23 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi

Proxy Lists

Displaying 43 entries. Order by "random".
URL Quantity Today New Today New in Past 7 Days Last Update
proxy.asechka.ru 207 0 0 2006-10-09
bestproxy.info 2635 208 610 2008-07-03
freshproxylist.org 90 45 365 2008-07-03
findproxy.org 382 0 0 2007-11-21
freeproxies.biz 476 0 0 2007-02-20
freeproxylist.cn 116 22 380 2008-07-03
proxy-list.net 8973 102 3060 2008-07-03
proxy-server.info 7 6 53 2008-07-03
proxyleech.com 181 0 0 2008-05-13
cavency.com 212 0 0 2007-09-24
hidemyass.com 88 0 0 2007-04-09
notrace.it 614 100 331 2008-07-03
freeproxies.us 3834 0 0 2008-06-18
freeproxylists.com 2820 458 2418 2008-07-03
checkedproxylists.com 897 439 3132 2008-07-03
proxylists.us 2294 0 0 2007-04-22
proxy.antipalivo.ru 62 42 240 2008-07-03
echolink.org 104 9 81 2008-07-03
freeproxy.ch 41 0 0 2007-10-30
proxy.mazafaka.ru 3931 0 0 2008-06-23
showlist.info 100 59 357 2008-07-03
digitalcybersoft.com 88 19 104 2008-07-03
haozs.net 90 67 349 2008-07-03
proxy-list.biz 101 0 0 2007-12-03
ddday.com 910 734 1172 2009-04-25
snakeoillabs.com 178 24 265 2008-07-03
proxy.6te.net 1136 0 0 2007-09-27
cybersyndrome.net 58 11 188 2008-07-03
proxysecurity.com 3236 0 0 2008-01-10
proxycn.net 147 0 0 2007-12-30
proxylists.net 189 31 252 2008-07-03
proxylist.blogspot.com 886 0 0 2007-07-06
en.proxy.net.pl 7 0 0 2007-05-04
proxy.top-site-list.com 641 0 0 2008-06-23
bismark.extracon.it 100 57 483 2008-07-03
proxyhunter.net 118 22 282 2008-07-03
theone.ru 49 0 0 2007-02-20
theproxyconnection.com 231 0 0 2007-05-03
proxys4all.com 202 0 0 2006-12-07
steganos.com 42 0 0 2008-02-06
onlinechecker.freeproxy.ru 17 17 113 2008-07-03
freeproxy.ru 1872 0 0 2007-02-20
dcsproxy.com 1210 148 1969 2008-07-03


12 Kasım 2009 Perşembe

Pardus 2009 Released!

Pardus 2009, providing a fast, high-quality and brand new desktop experience, is announced.

Pardus 2009 releasedgt;Pardus 2009, the latest version of the Pardus Project, a GNU/Linux being actively developed in TÜBİTAK UEKAE (National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology) and easy to install and use no matter the user's experience level, is made available to users all around the globe. Any and every application a desktop user might need is included in the Install CD of Pardus 2009. Pardus 2009 aims for those users that have at least a basic knowledge and understanding of using computers and that use a personal computer for daily needs.

This latest version of the Pardus Project, Pardus 2009, provides a faster, high-quality and brand new desktop experience. With the enhancements and improvements in YALI and PiSi, Pardus 2009 now has an installation procedure almost two times faster than what it used to be, providing an astonishing installation speed of 15 minutes on an average computer. YALI now also provides advanced rescueing and troubleshooting options like reinstallation of the bootloader and downgrading packages by "undo"ing upgrades.

In Pardus 2009, with the help of the developed cache mechanism, Package Manager and PiSi now work much faster. The improved packaging mechanism of PiSi allows an average of up to 20 percent less disk usage for packages. The delta package system being on by default, Pardus 2009 not only uses less network bandwidth, but also operates much faster when it comes to package installation and update operations. Also improved is the component system, now providing an even easier means of finding tools, libraries, drivers or applications.

A problem-free and fast boot

Booting of systems using Pardus, with the updates in YALI, improvements in the boot process, and new features added to PiSi and COMAR, have become much faster. Also notable is the development of infrastructure for a better support to remote filesystems.

Pardus 2009 also includes a Network Plasma Widget that allows quickly changing network profiles and a Service Plasma Widget that allows managing and seeing the status of services easily, improving system management even further. Worth noting is that almost all Pardus management tools have been re-written and made compatible with new KDE4 technologies.

A superior file manager

The latest and greatest stable KDE version, KDE4, is installed by default with Pardus 2009. Furthermore, the latest versions of all KDE software compatible with the newest KDE version is included in Pardus' repositories. Plasmoid technology that allows each and every component being embedded right onto the desktop, Strigi search technology that integrates in an excellent manner with the desktop, integrated visual effects, remote management, and file manager Dolphin, itself including many improvements, are just a few of the innovative changes users should expect with the installation of Pardus 2009.

A new generation filesystem, Ext4 has become the default filesystem of Pardus 2009. Compared to Ext3, its predecessor, Ext4 is more capable in terms of filesystem, has more restrictive abilities, and runs much faster. The newest Pardus tool, System Manager allows changing system-wide settings like keymap, system language and timezone much more easily, and on-the-fly.
Pardus, besides its technological advancements, includes many updates:

    KDE 4.2.4